Arrange things so the connection is semi-permanent. Jumper wires without solder are obviously a precarious setup but we’re just testing things out. The MOSI pin is the RX UART pin by default (when DSEL jumper is open). Next, connect TXO to the MOSI pin on the GPS-RTK. Using two jumper wires connect GND on the Serial Basic to GND on the GPS-RTK. The Serial Basic board should still be blinking once a second with RTCM data from the UNAVCO server. Low-cost magnetic GPS/GNSS antennas can be used (checkout the u-blox white paper) but a 4” / 10cm metal disc is required to be placed under the antenna as a ground plane.

A U.FL to SMA cable threaded through the mounting hole provides a robust connection that is also easy to disconnect at the SMA connection if needed. Note: U.FL connectors are rated for only a few mating cycles (about 30) so we recommend you set it and forget it. The NEO-M8P requires a good quality GPS or GNSS (preferred) antenna. Can be configured using U-Center to bring the module out of deep sleep or to output an interrupt for various module states. This is required for firmware updates to the module and generally should not be used or connected. Begins blinking at 1Hz when module gets basic GPS/GNSS position lock. Goes low when module enters RTK fixed mode and begins outputting cm-level accurate locations.

Begins blinking when RTCM corrections are received and module enters RTK float mode. Remains high when module is normal GPS mode. Useful for triggering alarms and actions when the module exits a programmed perimeter. Will go high or low when a geofence is setup. These pins are used for various extra control of the NEO-M8P: